The magic of a coffee shop

I am never more creatively productive than in a coffee shop. Many writers would agree, seeing as the image of a writer clacking away on a laptop is a staple in most caffeine dens. I’m doing it at this very moment, in fact.

Coffee shops all have their draw but independent, local coffee shops are in a league of their own.

These places are cozy and charming. Antique coffee grinders, tea pots, local art are often the décor of choice. The only advertising to be found is local event posters and chalkboard specials. Some have little brightly coloured flowers on each table, like the one I sit in now. Big windows let in a flood of natural light and offer a look at a bustling downtown street.

There is a clatter of sound. A symphony of ceramic mugs clinking, light chatter, indie folk music, milk being frothed and beans being ground. Never too loud, and familiar no matter what city I’m in.

And the smell! Fresh brewed coffee and baked goods make the air fragrant and inviting.

There’s no TV to distract, the ever-tempting internet doesn’t seem quite as alluring and my phone sits idle and forgotten. I’m too emersed in my happy place to need the escape. When I do need a break from my screen, I can always engage in a writer’s favourite hobby… people watching. The baristas chatting up the regulars is always a favourite of mine. They’re comfortable and often the loudest and funniest conversation in the room. The passing strangers outside provide their own speed round version as they race by.

I’m just happier in a coffee shop and a happy writer makes for a more productive writer. Blocks are infrequent and smiles abundant, stress is left at the door and deadlines feel more manageable, all with my favourite songs playing like a soundtrack to my picturesque corner of the world.

Yes, Coffee shops hold a special place in my heart, filled with muses and caffeine, and it’s a two-way street! Writers are often quiet and focused, we take up small tables and keep to ourselves. Not to mention the copious amounts of coffee we buy to keep us fueled and what writing session can be called a success without sweet snacks always within reach?

It’s the perfect symbiotic relationship.